Robots, how they work
Current robots are essentially divided into two types: non-autonomous robots and autonomous robots, with all the relative nuances in between. Let’s see how they differ, before discovering how many and which are the evolutionary generations conventionally understood, finally examining the structures that make up and regulate the functioning of the robots themselves stem robot toys singapore.
Non-autonomous robots : these are machines managed by software that instructs them in every aspect concerning the operations to be carried out. Alternatively, they can be managed directly by humans through remote control systems. In the first case we find industrial robots, active on assembly lines, while in the second case a classic example is constituted by remotely controllable drones , rather than bomb-disposal robots engaged to inspect places at risk and defuse any potentially lethal threats to humans.
Autonomous robots : these are machines capable of perceiving, by means of special sensors, the environmental context and of making decisions that are functional to the situation in which they operate. This is possible thanks to various learning systems, including those based on machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. Unlike non-autonomous robots, the software of an autonomous robot does not act in a deterministic way, but allows the machine to self-learn thanks to the environmental data detected by its sensors, in order to regulate its behavior in an increasingly refined way.
Based on an evolutionary path, today three generations of robots are conventionally recognized :
first generation robots : non-autonomous machines, capable of carrying out only pre-established sequences of operations, regardless of human control action
second generation robots : autonomous machines, capable of detecting data from the environment and making decisions thanks to automatic learning systems. A robot is also considered autonomous which, although called upon to carry out pre-established operations, is capable of finding solutions to carry out its task if unexpected situations arise, such as to change the conditions of the reference scenario.
third generation robots : autonomous machines equipped with artificial intelligence systems that allow you to independently generate automatic learning algorithms and to independently verify their consistency with respect to the operations to be performed in a given environmental context. In the most advanced configurations, autonomous robots can in fact act to achieve certain objectives, regardless of the operations necessary to obtain the expected results.